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Siria: Isil conquista strada che collega Homs a Palmira
Reportage Siria: Homs, la città dell'orologio
Inside the Empire of Terror | Full Documentary
Siria, truppe regime assumono controllo della città di Rankus
Siria, esercito di Assad conquista un altro quartiere di Aleppo
Siria: rapito tecnico italiano
ISIS: the multinational of terrorism (english documentary)
Q.N: Homs: Funeral for one of the civilians killed by snipers’ bullets in Waar neighborhood 1-2-2016
From the Nabataean kingdom to the Hashemite kingdom - Jordan, Amman, Petra - History documentary
Revolucion Siria
18+ 2 11 Al Hoole, Homs أوغاريت الحولة حمص , 9 شهداء المجزرة ج2